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Application & Approval Procedure

1. Application for certification of WEEE auditor – completing and sending the applications for certification – Auditor Application Form

  • WEEE Auditor, who applies to WEEELABEX for certification, must complete and send the “Auditor Application Form” in electronic form, which is available on request at the WEEELABEX Office

2. Acceptance of the application for certification – Auditor Application Form

  • Completed application for certification (Auditor Application Form) is sent to the e-mail address office@weeelabex.org which is accessible by the Assistant to Managing Director and Managing Director.
Control of accuracy and completeness of the Auditor Application Form:
  • Control and review whether the Auditor Application Form is completed with all the details (Control of formal correctness):§  Whether all chapters are completed in the Auditor Application Form
    • §  Whether all documents are attached (in particular the “Proven evidence of the previous auditing experience”)
    • §  In the case of incomplete or incorrect data – request an update from the applicant.
    • §  Send summary information via e-mail to the Managing Director.
Decision on acceptance/rejection of the application for certification
  • Review and evaluation whether the certification applicant meets the qualification requirements set out in document A 02 Auditors Profile and decision on acceptance/rejection of applicant.
    • Sending information about the decision on the application for certification via e-mail to Assistant to Managing Director
  Creation of a separate folder for the given Auditor in the web database “Auditors master file database”
  •  All documents and emails are saved to the folder of the given Auditors in the web database “Auditors master file database”

3. Confirmation of the acceptance of the application for the certification to the Auditor and initiation of the certification process

Sending information about the decision on the application for certification to the Auditor, sending invitations to the closest (possibly next) “Examination workshop” (General or Specialist CFA or Specialist Lamps Examination Workshop).
Arranging the Auditor’s participation on the chosen “Examination workshop”:
  • Agreeing on a specific date of the “Examination workshop” (incl. the ensurement of an examination room and examiner).
  • Issuance of an invoice for “Examination workshop” (min. 50% of the amount must be paid before the start of “Examination workshop”). The total cost is determined by the Managing Director.
  • Sample of the invoice: “Examination workshop” (on the web database “Auditors master file database”)
  • The invoice must be printed, signed and scanned and saved into the Auditor’s file on the web database “Auditors master file database”
  • Send an e-mail with the invitation to the “Examination workshop” and with the scanned invoice to the Auditor (the sample of the e-mail is on the web database “Auditors master file database”)
Requesting the candidate to confirm his agreement by stating his Commitment to Confidentiality:
  • Send an email to the candidate (or give it to the personally before the start of the Examination Workshop) with the request for the confirmation of commitment to confidentiality about the examination (mainly about the specific scope of the test, test methods and test questions and tests). See TQM_04_p13 Confirmation of Confidentiality for candidate WEEELABEX auditors.
  • The examination process can be initiated only after receiving the Confirmation of Confidentiality.
  • Save the Confirmation of Confidentiality of the candidate to their file on the web database “Auditors master file database”).

4. Realisation of the certification process

Selection of an examiner:
  • The examiner must fulfil the following qualification prerequisites for the examinations within the certification framework – evaluation of “Distance test”:
  • §  Very good knowledge of the WEEELABEX certification scheme (i.e. Knowledge of the documentation within the framework of the mentioned scheme).
  • §  Verifiable previous experience with the realisation of training and/or examining.
  • §  Good knowledge of the English language (written and oral).
  •  The examiner must fulfil the following qualification prerequisites for the examinations within the certification framework – realisation of “General / Specialist CFA / Specialist Lamps Examination Workshop”.
  • §  They are a WEEELABEX Lead Auditor for examinations in the “General Examination Workshop”.
  • §  They are a WEEELABEX Specialist CFA Auditor for examinations in the area of “Specialist CFA Examination Workshop”.
  • §  They are a WEEELABEX Specialist Lamps Auditor for examinations in the area of “Specialist Lamps Examination Workshop”.
  • §  Very good/ Excellent knowledge of the WEEELABEX certification scheme (i.e. Knowledge of documentation within the mentioned scheme).
  • §  Verifiable previous experience with the realisation of workshops and/or with examining.
  • §  Good knowledge of the English language (written and oral).
  • The examiner must fulfil the following qualification prerequisites for the examinations within the certification framework– evaluation of the “Final test”.
  • §  Very good/Excellent knowledge of the WEEELABEX certification scheme (i.e. knowledge of documentation within the mentioned scheme).
  • §  Verifiable previous experience with the realisation of trainings and/or with examining.
  • §  Good knowledge of the English language (written and oral).
  • The Examiner must fulfil the following qualification prerequisites for the examinations within the framework of repeated recertification – realisation of the “Experience qualification workshop” and evaluation of the “Recertification test”.
  • §  Very good/Excellent knowledge of the WEEELABEX certification scheme (i.e. knowledge of documentation within the mentioned scheme).
  • §  Verifiable previous experience with the realisation of training and/or with examining.
  • §  Good knowledge of the English language (written and oral).
Storing the records about the qualifications of the examiner:
  • Storing and updating the records documenting the qualification of the examiner:
  • §  The records and documentation of each examiner (according to the point 4a) are stored in the WEEELABEX office.
  • §  Updated documentation of the qualification of each examiner (according to the point 4a) are required by the WEEELABEX office from the examiner at least once a year.
Ensuring the examiner:
  • Signing of the agreement with the examiner and ordering specific activities:
  • §  Each examiner must sign the agreement “TQM_04_p01 Agreement for WEEELABEX examiners” and provide documentation about their qualification see previous point. It is necessary to sign this agreement only once and then in case of any changes in the version of the agreement or relevant changes in the details from the side of the examiner.
  • Ordering specific activities within the examination framework:
  • §  Ordering of specific activities of the examiner is in accordance with the business arrangement/contract closed between the WEEELABEX organisation and the examiner.
Selecting and ensuring the examination room:
  • The examination room must fulfil the following requirements:
  • Sufficient number of seats, incl. workspace for all participants
  • §  Technology – data projector, speakers, internet access, access to electricity for all participants.
  • §  Environment – daylight and at the same time artificial lightning of sufficient intensity for comfortable reading of printed text.
Realisation of individual types of examinations within the certification framework:
  • Realisation of the certification examination process – “General / Specialist CFA / Specialist Lamps” (the scope and content of the examination is in accordance with the documentation within the WEEELABEX certification scheme):
  • §  Realisation of “Distance test” (before-test):
  • “Distance test” is carried out in accordance with the document “A 01 Auditor Application Process”, chapter 3.2.
  • Versions of the “Distance test” is prepared by the WEEELABEX Office with cooperation of the examiners (the scope and content approved by the Managing director and the topicality is revised by the examiner).
  • “Distance test” is saved on the web server https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive.
  • The password is at disposal to the WEEELABEX Office and a given examiner.
  • The link to the distance test is sent to the candidate (Auditor) via e-mail.
  • Candidate is obligated to prove their identity by appropriate means.
  • The candidate completes the “Distance test” in electronic form and that is automatically saved on the web server https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive. At the same time the candidate is obligated to print, sign, scan the completed “Distance test” and send it via email to the following address: novotpet@weeelabex.org.
  • The examiner evaluates the results of the examination and completes the “Distance Test evaluation form” which he will pass on to the Managing director.
  • Managing director will check the results of the evaluation of the “Distance test” and approves the results by his signature on the completed “Final evaluation form”. In case of doubts, the Managing director can appoint another examiner for the re-evaluation of the “Distance test”.
  • The results of the examinations are monitored and evaluated with the goal of finding indications of fraud (e.g. finding same answers or mistakes of different candidates).
  • §  Realisation of the “General / Specialist CFA / Specialist Lamps Examination workshop” (Examination seminar – General / Specialised CFA / Specialised Lamps):
  •  “Examination workshop” takes place in accordance with the document “A 01 Auditor Application Process”, chapter 3.2.
  • The content and scope of the “Examination workshop”, incl. case studies and exercises is prepared by the WEEELABEX Office in cooperation with the examiners and eventually with qualified Lead Auditors (content and scope is approved by the Managing Director and the topicality is always revised by the chosen examiner).
  • Documents (presentations, case studies, exercises, evaluation forms and other) are stored on the web storage “Dropbox“ https://www.dropbox.com/ always under the file of a given “Examination workshop”.
  • Password is at disposal to the WEEELABEX Office and given examiner.
  • Candidate is obligated to prove his identity by suitable means.
  • The examiner is obligated to realise a complete content of the “Examination workshop” in accordance with the documentation given to them from the WEEELABEX Office side and go through all the exercises and case studies.
  • The examiner will evaluate each candidate at the end of each day by the following indicators of performance:
    • Attendance of the candidate (evaluation in %).
    • Active participation of the candidate while solving case studies and realisation of exercises (evaluated as “dostatečné” / “sufficient” – i.e., that the candidate has actively participated in solving at least 90% of the case studies and exercises; or “nedostatečné” / “not sufficient”.
  • The examiner will record the results of the evaluations into the “Attendance and evaluation sheet”, which at the end of the “Examination workshop” they will pass on to the Managing director.
  • Managing director will verify the results of the evaluation of the “Examination workshop” and approves the results by his signature on the resulting evaluation of results “Final evaluation form”.
  • §  Realisation of the “Final exam” (Závěrečná zkouška):
  • The final exam takes place in accordance with the document “A 01 Auditor Application Process”, chapter 3.2.
  • The assignment of the “Final exam” is prepared by the WEEELABEX Office in cooperation with the examiners (scope and content is approved by the Managing Director and topicality is revised by the chosen examiner).
  • For each examination there is a new version of the “Final exam” created, which is labelled by a number of the revision.
  • The current version of the “Final exam” is stored on the web storage “Dropbox” https://www.dropbox.com/ always under the file of a given “Examination workshop”.
  • Password is at disposal to the WEEELABEX Office and chosen examiner.
  • The candidate is obligated to prove his identity by suitable means.
  • The assignment of the “Final exam” is given to the candidate in printed form at the end of the “Examination workshop”.
  • The candidate completes the “Final exam” in printed form.
  • During the “Final exam” a supervision of other persons according to the following rules is necessary:
    • At least one supervising person in case of the number of participants from 1 to 30.
    • At least two supervising persons in case of the number of participants from 30 to 60.
    • Higher number of participants than 60 is not acceptable.
    • Supervising persons must not have a conflict of interest toward the participants.
    • Supervising persons must have a good knowledge of pro examination process (according to this guideline) and a good knowledge of the English language.
    • Supervising person must be an employee of the WEEELABEX organisation or must have a sealed agreement/contract about a supervising activity.


  • After the completion of the “Final exam” the candidate hands it over in printed form into the hands of the examiner (under the supervision of the supervising person).
  • The examiner or supervising person will create a scan directly at the examination place (or a copy) of the “Final exam” which they will then give to a representative of the WEEELABEX Office (to ensure that there will be no altering of the “Final exam” after its submission).
  • The examiner will evaluate the results of the “Final exam” and fills the “Final Exam evaluation form” which they will pass on to the Managing director.
  • Ø  Managing director verifies the results of the evaluation of the “Final exam” and approves the results with his signature on the evaluation of results “Final evaluation form”. In case of doubts the Managing director can appoint another examiner for re-evaluation of the “Final exam”.
  • The results of the examinations are monitored and evaluated with the goal of finding indications of fraud (i.e. finding the same answers or mistakes of different candidates).
  • §  Final evaluation of results of the examination process (within the certification framework):
  • Final evaluation of all parts of the examination process will be done by filling the results into the individual parts of the examination into the “Final evaluation form” form.
  • The candidate is evaluated as “PASS” (i.e. that he successfully met all requirements of the examination) in case that:
    • Result of the “Distance test” is equal to or higher than 80%.
    • Attendance of the “General / Specialist CFA / Specialist Lamps Examination workshop” is equal to or higher than 90%.
    • Active participation of solving the case studies and realisation of exercises during the “General / Specialist CFA / Specialist Lamps Examination workshop” is evaluated by the examiner as “dostatečná” / “sufficient”.
    • The result of the “Final test” is equal to or higher than 70%


  • In the opposite case the candidate is evaluated as unsuccessful “FAIL”.
  • Final evaluation of the results of the examination process is approved by the Managing director by his signature on the completed “Final evaluation form”.
  • Realisation of the examination process in the re-certification framework (content and scope of the examination is according to the documents within the WEEELABEX certification scheme):
  • §  Realisation of the re-certification of already qualified WEEELABEX Auditors “Experience qualification workshop”:
  • Experience qualification workshop” proceeds in accordance with the document “A 01 Auditor Application Process”, chapter 5.
  • Content and scope of the “Experience qualification workshop”, incl. study cases and exercises is prepared by the WEEELABEX Office in cooperation with the examiners, eventually with other external experts – e.g. “WEEELABEX Group of Experts” (content and scope approved by the Managing Director and topicality is always revised by the chosen examiner).
  • Documents (presentation, case studies, exercises, evaluation forms and other) are saved on the web storage “Dropbox“ https://www.dropbox.com/ always under the file of a given “Experience qualification workshop”.
  • Password is at disposal to the WEEELABEX Office and the given examiner.
  • The candidate is obligated to validate his identity by suitable means.
  • The examiner is obligated to realise the complete content of the “Experience qualification workshop” in accordance with the documentation given to them from the WEEELABEX Office side and to go through all exercises a case studies.
  • The examiner will evaluate at the end of each day the following indicators of performance for each candidate:
    • Attendance of the candidate (evaluation in %).
    • Active participation in solving of case studies and realisation of exercises (evaluated as “dostatečné” / “sufficient” or “nedostatečné” / “not sufficient”.
  • The examiner will record his results of the evaluation into the “Attendance and evaluation sheet”, which they will pass on to the Managing Director at the end of the “Experience qualification workshop”.
  • Managing director verifies the results of the evaluation of the “Experience qualification workshop” and approves the results with his signature on the resulting evaluation of results “Final evaluation form”.
  • §  Realisation of the re-certification of already qualified WEEELABEX Auditors “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” (Final examination):
  • The assignment “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” is prepared by the WEEELABEX Office in cooperation with the examiners (content and scope approved by the Managing Director and the topicality is revised by the chosen examiner).
  • For each examination in the relevant period there is a new version of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM”, which is labelled with the number of the revision.
  • For each examination there are at least 2 variants created (“A” and “B” which contain the same questions but in a different order.
  • The current version of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” is stored on the web storage “Dropbox“ https://www.dropbox.com/ always under the file of the given “Experience qualification workshop”.
  • The password is at disposal to the WEEELABEX Office and the given examiner.
  • The assignment of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” is given to the candidate in printed form during the “Experience qualification workshop”.
  • The candidate is obligated to prove his identity by suitable means.
  • The candidate completes the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” in printed form.
  • During the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” a supervision of another person is according to the following rules is necessary:
    • At least one supervising person in case of the number of participants between 1 to 30.
    • At least two supervising persons in case of the number of participants between 30 to 60.
    • Higher number of participants than 60 is not acceptable.
    • Supervising persons must not have a conflict of interest towards the candidates.
    • Supervising persons must have a good knowledge of the examination process (according to this guideline) and a good knowledge of the English language.
    • Supervising person must be an employee of the WEEELABEX organisation or must have a sealed agreement/contract about the supervising activity.
  • After the completion of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” the candidate submits it in printed form to the hand of the examiner (under the supervision of the supervising person) or to the hands of the supervising person (under the supervision of the examiner of another supervising person).
  • The examiner or supervising person will create a scan (or copy) directly at the place of the examination of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” which they will hand over to a representative of the WEEELABEX Office (to ensure that there will be no alternation of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” after its submission).
  • The examiner will evaluate the results of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” and fill the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM evaluation form” which they will have over to the Managing director.
  • Managing director verifies the results of the evaluation of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” and approves the evaluation by his signature on the resulting evaluation of results “Experience qualification workshop final evaluation form”. In case of doubt the Managing director can appoint another examiner to re-evaluate the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM”.
  • The results are monitored and evaluated with the goal of finding indication of fraud.
  • §  Resulting evaluation of the results of the examination process (within the re-certification framework)
  • Resulting evaluations of all parts of the examination process is done by filling in the results of individual parts of the examination into the evaluation “Experience qualification workshop final evaluation form” form.
  • The candidate if evaluated as successful “PASS” (i.e. that hi successfully met all examination requirements) in case that:
    • The result of the “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” is equal or higher than 80% and at the same time there is not more than one mistake in each of the three sets of questions.
    • The attendance during the “Experience qualification workshop” is equal to or higher than 90%.
    • Active participation of the candidate while solving the case studies and realisation of exercises during the “Experience qualification workshop” is evaluated as “dostatečná” / “sufficient” by the examiner.
  • In the opposite case the candidate is evaluated as unsuccessful “FAIL”.
  • The resulting evaluation of the results of the examination process is approved by the Managing director by his signature on the completed “Experience qualification workshop final evaluation form”.
  • §  Realisation of the repeated examination in case that the candidate is evaluated as unsuccessful “FAIL”. In this case it is a “WEEELABEX Experience Qualification Workshop – ADDITIONAL EXAMINATION FOR WEEELABEX AUDITORS – Distance test” (Opakovaná závěrečná zkouška – Distance test):
  • The candidate is obligated to prove his identity by suitable means.
  • The assignment of the “ADDITIONAL EXAMINATION FOR WEEELABEX AUDITORS – Distance test” is prepared by the WEEELABEX Office in cooperation with the examiners (content and scope is approved by the Managing Director and topicality is revised by the chosen examiner).
  • For repeated examination in the relevant period there is a new version of the test created which is labelled by the number of the revision and which contains equivalent questions as the original “Experience qualification workshop EXAM” did but in different order.
  • The assignment of the “Distance test” is prepared by the WEEELABEX Office in cooperation with the examiners (content and scope approved by the Managing Director and topicality revised by the chosen examiner).
  • “Distance test” is saved on the web server https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive.
  • Password is at disposal to the WEEELABEX Office and chosen examiner.
  • The link to the distance test is sent to the candidate (Auditor) via e-mail.
  • The candidate completes the “Distance test” in electronic form that is automatically saved on the web server https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive. At the same time the candidate is obligated to print, sign, scan the completed “Distance test” and send it via e- mail to the following address novotpet@weeelabex.org.
  • The examiner evaluates the results of the test and passes it on to the Managing director.
  • Managing director verifies the results of the evaluation “ADDITIONAL EXAMINATION FOR WEEELABEX AUDITORS – Distance test” and approves the results with his signature on the resulting evaluation of the results. In case of doubt the Managing director can appoint another examiner to re-evaluate the tests.
  • The results of the examination are monitored and evaluated with the goal of finding indications of fraud (i.e. finding the same answers or mistakes from different candidates).
Monitoring of the performance of individual examiners and reliability of their judgement:
  • Performance of individual examiners and the reliability of their judgement is monitored by the following manner:
  • §  Observation at the place of the examination.
  • §  Examination of the reports from the examinations.
  • §  Feedback from the candidates (see document C 02 Training Evaluation Form of the certification scheme)

5. Issuance of an invoice for the “Registration fee” for the candidates

Issuance and sending the invoice for the Registration fee for the candidates:
  • Issuance and sending of the invoice – Registration fee candidate/auditor (annual registration fee = 300 EUR – the amount for the “Registration fee” for the relevant period is set by the Managing Director – see TQM_04_p14a).
  • Sample of the invoice: Registration fee_AUDITORS_invoice_EXAMPLE (on the web database “Auditors master file database”).
  • Sample of the email: WEEELABEX Registration Fee Invoice (on the web database “Auditors master file database”).
  • Registering the invoice into the list of issued invoices and storage of the scanned invoice (on the web database “Auditors master file database”).

6.  Decision about the certification, registration of the auditor into the list of certified auditors and issuance of certification

Check-up if all requirement for the certification are met:
  • The candidate is evaluated as successful “PASS” within the examination process (within the certification of re-certification framework).
  • Payment for the annual Registration Fee (see TQM_04_p14a) is payed.
  • Signed agreement “A 03 Auditor Agreement”.
  • Auditor meets all requirements stated in the document “A 02 Auditors Profile”.
Decision about the certification:
  • Decision about the certification of the auditor on the basis of a check-up described in the point 6a:
  • Auditor is CERTIFIED for the given qualification
    • Auditor / Lead Auditor
    • General / CFA / Lamps
  • Auditor is not CERTIFIED for all or some qualification.
  • Decision about the certification is done by the issuance and signing of a certificate by the Managing Director.
  • Decision about the rejection of the certification is conveyed to the candidate via e-mail from the side of the Managing Director.
Issuance of a certificate to the:
  • Preparation, printing and signing of the certificate (certificate is signed by the Managing director) and sending the printed version to the certified auditor’s address (scanned copy is saved on the web database “Auditors master file database”)
  • Sample of the certificate is part of the “WEEELABEX Certification scheme – Auditors” documentation in the most recent version.
Registration of the auditor into the list of certified auditors:
  • Actualisation of the list of certified auditors (on the web database “Auditors master file database”)
  • Storage of the actualised list of auditors on the (http://www.weeelabex.org/)

7. Decision about the extension of the certification, extension of the registration of the auditor on the list of certified auditors and issuance of a new certificate

Conditions for the extension of the certification is part of the documentation “WEEELABEX Certification scheme – Auditors” in the most recent version. The conditions for the re-certification (examination) are detailed in the chapter 4e.
Observation of dates of the “Experience qualification workshop” and informing the certified auditors about the upcoming dates.